Huawei-Sisvel unveils Wi-Fi 6 Patent Pool license rates
A day ago, Huawei has joined the Sisvel Wi-Fi 6 Patent Pool as the founding member. Apart from being a familiar member, the Chinese tech giant is also the first license holder of the patent pool. Today, Sisvel has disclosed the license rates for Huawei and other licensors.
As per the reports, Sisvel has unveiled the license rates for the first batch of patent licensors that includes Huawei, MediaTek, Philips, SK Telecom, and Wilus. Further, this Licensing Incentive Framework for Technology (LIFT) is only in access to those who are fully eligible as per the terms and conditions of the license contract.
Sisvel had already assured that all the patent members for the patent pool have met the necessary criteria by independent evaluators. The list of the patent gets updated on a regular basis as new patents become essential to the IEEE 802.11ax standard. The majority of patents are currently undergoing necessity assessments and we expect to be able to publish a list by the end of 2022.
Moving on to the rates, the compliance charge for the enterprise access points is $3 (20.22 yuan). While the rates for other electronics and smart home products charge $0.5 (3.37 yuan).
Huawei’s thought over Wi-Fi 6 Patent Pool
The director of Huawei’s Intellectual Property Department – Fan Zhiyong expresses his view on the Sisvel Wi-Fi 6 Patent Pool. He explains how this patent will open new pathways in technological development.
According to him, Huawei hopes and is willing to share our innovative technologies in the field of Wi-Fi with the industry. Besides, this patent pool can increase the number of patents, and licensing transparency. Moreover, it will ultimately reduce licensing disputes. As a result, users can obtain licenses for all patents in the patent pool at one time, improving licensing efficiency and reducing licensing costs.
Aside from the new license structure, Sisvel is also speeding the work to introduce a new redesigned payment procedure for the individuals. Let’s see how this new payment mode will help the consumers.