Huawei has applied for the registration of the “MetaERP” trademark, which is classified internationally as website services, and the current trademark status is under application. It...
On July 7, 2023, Huawei registered two new naming trademarks “ADNCHAT” and application number 72708118/72699826. The trademark is classified as scientific instruments and website services, and...
Huawei has recently applied for a graphical version of the “WENJIE” trademark. This has been classified as a scientific instrument. The trademark application number is 72438986...
Recently, news about the AITO trademark transfer has appeared on which, Huawei said that there’s no change in leadership because Huawei doesn’t make cars. “Huawei does...
Huawei applied for the trademark of the “AITO” keyword in its collection. AITO is the name of Huawei’s smart car ecosystem brand, co-developed by auto company...
Huawei has recently applied for the Huawei Kunling trademark, which has classification in website services and scientific devices. As for now, the status of this trademark...
On April 27, China’s trademark patent office showed that Huawei had applied for the registration of the “Huawei NetGPT” trademark. This is quite interesting, as Huawei...
The Huawei P60 series is coming and the company is seemingly preparing a special edition with this flagship lineup, which may be the Huawei P60 Art...
Huawei has recently filed a word trademark “Xingyao” and Xingyao Edition, which is internally categorized under the scientific instrument or device. According to the information, the...
Huawei has successfully raised an objection on the trademark infringement for ‘Kunpeng’, which has been recently filed by a Chinese company. According to the information, the...