Huawei became the first technology brand to receive “Top China Brand” award

Huawei has officially announced that it has ranked sixth in the list of “BrandZ’s Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands”. At the same time, the company is also awarded the “Top China Brand” award.
Huawei continues to dominate China’s smartphone market, gained a record share piece in Q1 2019
On May 6th, WPP and Kantar jointly published the annual BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands ranking, where Huawei announced as the first company to receive Top China Brand award makes it the first technology brand to receive this honor.
According to the listing, Huawei has ranked no. 6 with a recorded growth of 38% last year with its brand value reached $34.2 billion and made its place in top ten for the fourth year in a row.
According to recent research, Huawei has gained a record 34% of mainland China’s smartphone market in Q1 2019 compared to 24% in the same period last year, leaving its domestic rivals hanging in the decline.
Moreover, this award also reflects Huawei’s robust growth in the global smartphone market for the first quarter of this year, making it the only firm that has seen growth while its competitors are struggling to post good record.