
Here’s why Huawei HarmonyOS still supports Android applications



Huawei finally unveiled the much anticipated and awaited HarmonyOS 2.0 operating system for the smartphone at an event on June 2. Since its introduction, it’s been a hot topic of discussion among smartphone consumers.

However, since its development and beta testing, many misunderstandings and confusion of HarmonyOS have been posted online. For example, this Huawei OS is a copy or replacement of Android. Eventually, the company denied this news numerous times.

But the main topic that empowers this controversial topic is that HarmonyOS 2.0 still able to run Android apps and HarmonyOS apps in the same system to provide a 2 in 1 operating system experience for users.

To reduce the confusion, a Chinese developer community posted an e-mail today received from Huawei’s President Office and issued by Eric Xu, the rotating chairman of Huawei entitled “Notice on Standardizing HarmonyOS Communication Caliber “.

Through this notice, Eric tried to answer, why HarmonyOS still able to run Android apps. Eric said:

“In order to protect the digital assets (Applications and services) of Huawei’s existing mobile phone and tablet users (designed for Android-based EMUI), Harmony 2.0 supports the existing Android applications on some devices equipped with this operating system”

Additionally, he mentioned, Huawei is continuously working to support global developers and creating a better environment for developers to create a better HarmonyOS ecosystem by providing better development tools as well as developer support.

A report reveals that Huawei has released OpenHarmony 2.0 package in which the L2 branch that is opened and has pure HarmonyOS code, to be mentioned it has no Android code at all.

However, there is also the L3-L5 version of branches, which is compatible with Android’s dual framework helps the system to run Android apps on HarmonyOS software.

Once a mature app ecosystem for HarmonyOS applications developed, Huawei will remove all AOSP related code, that empowers Android applications, and will bring a pure HarmonyOS ecosystem.

To date, Huawei has donated the source code of the HarmonyOS operating system to the Open Source Foundation twice in 2020 and 2021. Interested industry developers can use and develop apps according to their needs.

(Via – mydrivers)

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