HarmonyOS is not Android or iOS: Huawei Software Chief

There are various claims and reports made on HarmonyOS, connecting this operating system with open source Android but the former head of the Huawei software department has reiterated that HarmonyOS is not a copy of Android or any other software.
During the 2022 China Integrated Circuit Summit last month, Wang Chenglu CEO of Shenzhen Kaihonog Digital Industry Development came up with a keynote speech. The keynote shows the important aspects of the HarmonyOS operating system and the mission of his company.
Interestingly, the former Huawei software chief said HarmonyOS is not Android or iOS and is not certainly a single-device operating system.
Wang mentioned the greatest value of HarmonyOS is to be used on multiple devices, which can share capabilities and use them on different platforms.
Mr. Chenglu emphasized that “In the field of the system software in China, HarmonyOS is the only one that leads all operating systems in the world in terms of technical architecture.”
It’s not the first time, Huawei stated the significance of HarmonyOS and its differentiation from other mobile software.
In 2021, Wang was Software Chief at Huawei Consumer Business Software Department and said HarmonyOS is not an alternative option to respond to US sanctions. It is not a copy of Android, nor it’s a copy of iOS. The software is solely designed for smartphones.
HarmonyOS is a cross-device operating system designed and developed by Huawei and the company first announced this OS in 2019 at the Huawei Developer conference. However, the company introduced this OS for smartphones in the next year.
Right after the unveiling of phones, various sources began labeling HarmonyOS as an Android fork. Thereafter, Huawei published these related statements.
Wang Chenglu:
In 2015, Huawei appointed Wang Chenglu, who was leading the HarmonyOS development for years, and brought it to the HDC 2019 showcase.
In May 2022, Wang left Huawei to join China’s Kaihong Digital, which mainly focuses on the research and development of IoT operating systems.
The fact is that he is researching further on open-source HarmonyOS. Recently it is found that Kaihong is excessively creating projects based on HarmonyOS to use them in products.