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Huawei introduces new Arabic LLM model to meet growing AI demands in Egypt



Huawei Arabic LLM model AI

News regarding Huawei says that the company has introduced an all-new Arabic LLM (large language model) in Egypt, focusing on the growing AI demands in the country. The OEM has also opened a public cloud service in the nation for the first time.

Arabic LLM:

The report says that the new Arabic Large Language Model is uprooted on the Huawei self-developed Pangu technology. The company has integrated Egypt-related data into the model so that it can learn and respond to users’ queries as per the Arab world.

New Arabic LLM is a 100-billion-parameter model that runs on the latest standard Arabic dialect. It allows industrial operators to produce their own AI model based on multiple local languages in the fields of banking, education, medicine, and more.


During the Huawei Cloud Summit in Cairo, the company explained that the new Arabic LLM has an auto speech recognition feature with a 96% accuracy rate. It can eventually work in 20+ Arabic-speaking countries without any problems.

Apart from local culture, history, and customs knowledge, Huawei Arabic LLM model has also fed on industry data sets to cover subjects like digital power, oil-gas, and AI. The President of Huawei Cloud’s global market and sales services Jacqueline Shi says:

“We believe that every country should have AI capabilities to preserve local culture and that AI models should be developed and trained with local languages, enabling vertical industries to become more efficient.”

Huawei Arabic LLM model AI

Huawei introduced the Arabic LLM model in Egypt (Image Credits: Huawei)

Public Cloud Service Center

Huawei has also unveiled Egypt’s first public cloud service center, aiming to train thousands of developers and tech specialists. At the same time, it will help in unlocking the opportunities for digital transformation for consumers in the country.

The Middle East and North Africa seem to be a hotspot for Huawei Cloud in terms of developing innovative technologies and data centers. This has also reportedly made OEM the first in the world to offer public cloud services in Egypt.

Such efforts imply that the company is trying to expand its partnerships with global industrial clients to meet the growing demand for AI, amid the US restrictions.

Rival for ChatGPT?

Huawei’s new AI models mainly contribute to industrial users for now. Up to this point, the tech maker brought in its LLM techs for railways and coal mining. Besides, the Pangu model is helping users in real-life cases in China and other regions.

The firm is also shaking hands with several partners to get aid in building a more advanced and useful LLM model that can compete with foreign rivals in the market.

[Source – SCMP]

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