
Google Announces Android Auto Widgets, works in alliance with Google Assistant



Earlier this week, Google rolled out the widget alliance feature for Google Assistant in Android Auto. This impressive feature not only enhances the Android Auto experience but also gives a tough competition and blurs the facilities in CarPlay.

Particularly talking about it, we can say that Google intends to use the previously stored widgets data for more improved facilities in Google Assistant. To put it simply, Google Assistant will extract the previous information on your smartphone to do a specific task.

We can put it like, suppose you are using a widget of your particular restaurant or Caffe, so this virtual assistant can make your order selecting your favorite menu or your frequently ordered dish.

Furthermore, it can perform the same with the to-do lists and similar applications. This is how the Google Assistant will use the widget data and helps to lessen the load while driving the car and improving the user experience.

Adding to this, It also planning to install the Fast Pair Support that enables the Android smartphones to automatically connected with the head unit in the vehicle. However, this function will only support the compatible head assemblies.

To be mentioned, CarPlay is a similar feature to Andriod Auto, which is installed in Apple’s cars. It allows users to control and view specific iPhone- or iPad-based apps through the dashboard’s communications system.


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