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Huawei optimizes Pura 70 series audio and display effects with new update



Huawei Pura 70 series display update

Huawei is serving another significant update to the flagship Pura 70 series this month, with optimizations for display effects. The company has also looked after the optical features and enhanced the camera stability for a more efficient experience.

Note that this is the third update Huawei is serving to the newly launched Pura 70 series in May 2024. The aim is to optimize the camera and display aspects of the device so users can get rid of common issues and enjoy productive functioning.

Pura 70 series is fetching the new update with the HarmonyOS version. It doesn’t carry a big package and you have to compromise only 704 Megabytes to store the latest software. If possible, use a standard Wi-Fi connection for installation.

For optimizations, the company has improved the shooting effects for the camera app, refined the audio experience, and boosted the display effects for the Huawei Pura 70 series with the new update. You can check the full changelog and additions below.

Huawei Pura 70 series display update

Huawei Pura 70 Ultra (Image Credits: Huawei)

HarmonyOS Changelog


  • Improved the camera shooting effects and continued to enhance the shooting capability of portrait images, natural scenery, night shots, sunset snaps, and macro photography.
  • Optimizes the camera stability.


  • Enhanced the sound experience in certain conditions.


  • Optimizes the screen operation sensitivity in certain scenarios to make your touchscreen tasks smoother.
  • Optimizes the interface display effects.

The new optimization update is gradually rolling out in China and will cover all the eligible units within a few days. Make sure that you have sufficient storage space and battery level to avoid any kind of upgrade failure.

Huawei Pura 70 series display update

Huawei Pura 70 series fetches a new update (Image Credits: MyDrivers)

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