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HarmonyOS NEXT is way smoother and different than HarmonyOS 4.2: Tipster



HarmonyOS NEXT smoother different

HarmonyOS NEXT is currently in the developer preview stage and a leak says that the upcoming software version is way better, smoother, as well as different from the latest HarmonyOS 4.2 build. Changes will also show up in terms of system apps.

Weibo blogger @FixedFocus has tested the HarmonyOS NEXT developer preview and found that the OS is not only smoother but different from the 4.2 software version.

The term ‘smoother‘ eventually reflects the app animations, faster opening and closing of apps, and other UI transitions on the device. Compared to previous builds, HarmonyOS NEXT is likely to deliver polished and more fluent interactions to users.

Further inputs reveal that HarmonyOS NEXT will bring changes to a few system applications with upgraded functionalities. Apps like Weather and Calendar may get significant features with different app icons to boost the overall user experience.

Other major features of the upcoming software are still behind the scenes. Although the HarmonyOS NEXT beta release in June may add clarity to the surface.

HarmonyOS NEXT smoother different

HarmonyOS NEXT is smoother and better than the previous version (Image Credits: Weibo)

Huawei has made the new self-developed OS completely independent of the Android components. It uses homemade elements like Harmony kernel and other parts that are 3 times more efficient than the traditional Linux components.

The OEM is also focusing on expanding the HarmonyOS app ecosystem in the native region, stepping into the global market in the future. Many new partners and app developers have adapted to the respective software for their applications.

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The aim is to drop the Android support and U.S. boundaries that have restricted the company from becoming stronger and self-reliant. Huawei may reveal more about the brand-new OS at the HDC 2024 event. Stay tuned.

HarmonyOS NEXT smoother different

HarmonyOS NEXT smoother than previous builds (Image Credits: Huawei)

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