
5G commercial networks climbs at 176 with 490 million global users: Huawei



On September 23rd, Huawei Kicked off the “Huawei Full Connect Conference” on online platforms in Shenzhen, China. With the theme “deepening digitalization”, many industry leaders, media partners, and field experts have participated in this event.

Huawei’s rotating chairman Xu Zhijun (Eric Xu) gave a deliverance on the current achievements and problems of digitalization. He shares his view on how Huawei is accelerating digital development and 5G commercial networks through its ceaseless innovation.

Going with his speech, the company chairman said more than 170 countries adopting digitalization on a large scale. Adding to this, the past seven years have shown significant changes across the world. Meanwhile, in the Asia Pacific, the process has been started 10 years ago. There are mainly three aspects he talks about,

  • First: In the past two years, digital companies providing 20-25 times faster service. This crown epidemic accelerates the digitalization of products and services.
  • Second: Global organizations have become more cautious towards reducing carbon emissions and coping with climate warming. In this line, China has announced the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.
  • Third: Digital technology is enabling corporate resilience to solve the complex global business environment. Furthermore, the foundation for digital transformation almost reaches its peak.

5G commercial networks have reached 176:

Moving ahead, Huawei Chairman informs that currently, the 5G global commercial networks have reached 176.  There are over 10,000 projects in different areas for 5G applications serving 490 million users globally. Besides, a recent report from IDG provides some key points-

  1.  81% of companies are either using cloud computing or have their services on the cloud across the world
  2. About 60% of markets including telecommunications, commercial, automotive, and construction industries are working on AI
  3. Retails have 50% of digital marketing serving meanwhile the other industries have 38% only.

Speaking of Huawei’s contributions, the company is determined for taking its users towards a digital world. Though, the challenges in this field vary corresponding to different industries, countries, and technologies. However, there isn’t a single problem that can’t solve.

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