Late but least, Huawei begins EMUI 13 beta



Huawei EMUI 13 was listed in October last year. However, the company announced EMUI 13 beta activity a bit too late for global smartphone owners and it all came down to the testing slot.

Looking at its predecessor, Huawei announced EMUI 12 in October 2021 and confirmed the roadmap. It was a pretty big roadmap with lots of new devices. While the inclusion of models such as P30 lite and Y9 Prime 2019 got some praise.

Within two months, Huawei sent the beta activity for the Huawei P40 series. In November, the phone lineup received the first beta OTA of EMUI 12. By the way, the P40 flagship is one of the initial models to enter the EMUI 12 beta pool.

In January 2022, we saw the first stable rollout of EMUI 12, which was quite surprising and fast. From here, Huawei began to upgrade all of the previously released devices with this new EMUI version.

In the first quarter, Huawei wrapped up all of the major flagship phones with EMUI 12. Comparing this to the current scenario, we found that it’s a bit late this time.

What’s happening now?

There are 5+ months of drag that Huawei took to kick off the EMUI 13 beta, which should have been started by November 2022. Also, we’re still at the early stage of the program and it will take some time to reach Europe followed by the beta testing phase. For now, the roadmap is still not revealed by Huawei.

In the end, we’ll have to spend some more time to get the result, which is the stable EMUI 13 rollout. This new version comes with a lot of new features and new improvements in the user interface as well as customizations. Therefore, we can see that Huawei began a late but least EMUI 13 beta activity.

The first test build of EMUI 13 may release soon and we’ll keep you posted.

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