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Huawei Wallet picks update with interesting sound effect feature



Huawei Wallet update

Huawei Wallet is receiving a new update with the version that comes with a set of interesting features and optimizations. The company is distributing the latest app build in a gradual process and will take 2-4 days to reach all users.

The changelog reveals that the update for the Huawei Wallet app is now getting some amazing sound effects when swiping the card, refinements for the mobile recharge section, and a bunch of other additions to the app.

Speaking of the sound effects, whenever you swipe a card, you will hear a sweet sound from the app which confirms that you have successfully made the transaction.

It is an interesting way to ensure the completion of payment transactions, making the overall experience more seamless, responsive, and efficient for consumers.

You can explore more features in the changelog below.

Huawei Wallet update

Huawei Wallet app is receiving a update (Image Credits: ITHome)

New Features:

  • Added the new card swipe sound effect feature. When users swipe any card (bank card, digital car key, transportation card), they will hear a prompt sound on the operation completion.


  • Mobile phone recharge functionality now supports porting number recharge service.
  • Improves the mobile phone recharge area display so you can view the recharge discount more precisely.
  • The lock screen supports Huawei Card repayment reminders to avoid overdue bills.

To enjoy these features and enhancements on your Huawei Wallet app, you should install the update at the earliest. Although it weighs around 119.7 Megabytes. Hence don’t forget to check storage space before proceeding with the installation.

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