
Huawei unveils 1.2 terabits network equivalent to 150 HD movies transferred per second



Over the past 10 years, network technologies have advanced rapidly in terms of speed and ease of access. Recently, a new super-fast network has appeared that can transmit up to 1.2 terabits of data between long distances.

The network setup called the ‘backbone network’ has been tested between major cities Beijing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou at a data transmission rate of 1.2 terabits (1,200 gigabits) per second.

The verification of this new technology includes over 3,000 kilometers (1,860 miles) of optical fiber cable in July and was announced on Monday after a successful verification of transmission.

Huawei worked alongside China’s Tsinghua University, China Mobile, and Cernet Corporation to achieve the 1 terabit per second ultra high-speed network.

Most of the internet backbone network architecture operates at 100 gigabits per second. On the other hand, the 5G internet in the US operates at 400 gigabytes/second. Huawei Vice President Wang Lei told on Monday that the network was capable of transferring the data equivalent of 150 HD movies in just one second.


The latest 1 terabit network access project is part of China’s Future Internet Technology Infrastructure (FIT), which has been working for about 10 years and includes efforts from Cernet.


It’s found that the new internet backbone will not only provide faster network access but it will help to reduce the management cost and it will make the overall operations cheaper than a separate internet backbone to achieve this same result.

Regarding the launch date, Huawei and other partners are expecting the new 1 terabit internet access to launch by the end of this year.


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