
It’ll take 300 years to surpass Android and iOS, jokes Huawei Founder



Over the past 12 months, Ren Zhengfei – founder and CEO of the largest telecoms equipment maker sat down in many interviews. But in a recent one, Ren made a funny statement about competition with Google and Apple.

In an interview with Dragon, a magazine in China, Ren Zhengfei said the users have become accustomed to Android and iOS. While these OS have enjoyed massive sales around the globe. (reports SCMP)

“Huawei is a latecomer, so it would be very difficult to surpass the operating systems of Android and Apple. It might take a long period of time, but no more than 300 years,” he joked.

Last year, Huawei was placed into the U.S. Entity List, which prohibits it from doing business with US firms. Following the US decision, Huawei raced to developed or procure components that find not to use American technology.

“Huawei had ‘very friendly’ relationships with Google and Apple, and their development of 5G smartphones was helpful,” said Ren.

Ren also mentioned that HarmonyOS is not build to compete against Android but as a an option, if the company is not allowed to use it.

Launched in August last year, HarmonyOS AKA Hongmeng OS is Huawei’s self-developed operating designed to provide a cross-device experience among the Huawei ecosystem.

Top officials from Huawei has stated previously that it’ll only use HarmonyOS in smartphones if the company cannot use Android. Otherwise, it’ll keep using it in its devices.

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