Windows 11: New UI, Start Menu, color scheme, wallpaper and more leaked ahead of launch

Microsoft has been preparing for the next-generation Windows operating system – Windows 11. This major upgrade in Windows OS is expected to come with major changes including a fresh design for its marquee Start Menu, Taskbar, and another aspect of the user interface.
The general release of this new version is expected to come in the fourth quarter of this year, and users are eagerly waiting to experience the changes and optimizations.
In the meantime, a leak coming to Theverge has completely revealed the upcoming Windows 11 User Interface (UI), showing a major UI overhaul and clearly reflects on the Start Menu, color scheme, wallpaper, file explorer and more.
Start Menu:
The start menu has been the central focus of this new version, as it now has been shifted in the center bottom of the taskbar along with the redesigned look.
Adding to this, the Start button icon and the menu have also shown great changes. From the design side, we can see that the Start button icon and the app arrangement in the menu, everything seems new.
Still, users are free to shift the start menu back at the left corner as we are already using it in Windows 10. It includes pinned apps, recent files, recommended, and quickly shut down or restart without Live Tiles.
Also, Windows 11 comes with the dark mode, which makes the entire operations more convenient to use in dark environment. The Microsft has made the Start menu more refine in comparison to Windows 10.
One more major change that can be easily noticeable is slightly curved corners throughout Windows 11. It can be seen in the context menus, apps backgrounds, File Explorer and pop-up menus.
Well, there is still more time remains for the official rollout, so these changes just serve as an appetizer. And, these leaked teasers are from the early version of Windows 11, so a few changes can be noticed once this version comes out.
New Added Icon:
Speaking of the newly added icon present in the taskbar of this early version of Windows 11, it provides quick access to the weather information, stock information, Europa league, and trending news.
All the Widgets are finely arranged on the black background alongside the time slot. It provides one glance view for quick information, there could be more features that may be added in the future.
Maximize Button:
This new version of the Windows operating system has impressive new snap controls for the maximize buttons. These new controls are eliminating the need for cascade windows and side-by-side functions.
Adding to this, it also allows a window to arrange them in the different sections of the desktop in different sizes.
Windows Store:
There is no noticeable change appeared in the Windows Store with the initial appearances but there might be something cooking big with upcoming releases.
Previously, the CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella announced to introduced “unlock greater economic opportunity for developers and creators” with Windows.
Microsoft is renewing its Windows store that will allow developers to offer any Windows application that includes browsers such as Chrome or Firefox, and third-party commerce platforms.
Setup Mechanism:
According to the information, the new Windows 11 comes with a similar setup process to the Windows 10 and provides a ready-to-use experience.
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