
OpenHarmony-based HiHopeOS gets China UnionPay digital service certificate



Runhe Software HiHopeOS (based on OpenHarmony) has received a new China UnionPay financial and digital service certificate. Eventually, this certification will make the respective OS compatible with the China UnionPay technical specifications.

To begin with, the China UnionPay cooperation is releasing new configurations for digital service devices. Accordingly, these devices require an operating system that can be eligible with the latest technologies and specifications.

Consequently, to obtain a suitable operating system, China UnionPay carried out a qualification program. A variety of operating systems entered into this scenario. However, the OpenHarmony-based HiHopeOS financial release version is the first product to get the China UnionPay certificate.

To be mentioned, HiHopeOS distribution consists of multiple variants for different scenarios and operations. For instance, the IoT Edition for operating lightweight devices and gadgets.

As of now, the HiHopeOS financial version has gained digital service certification. This development will help the Runhe Software cooperation to indulge with more ecological partners and expand the HiHopeOS ecosystem in more sectors.

Digital Service Certification

It’s worth mentioning that the latest digital service certification was based on the following major aspects:

  • Basic requirements of the operating system
  • Interface layer requirements
  • System service layer
  • Security functions and technology
  • third-party library components

According to the outcomes, the HiHopeOS effectively meets all the points and is reliable with digital services and other high-end devices.

New developments with HiHopeOS

So far, Runhe Software has integrated with various industrial groups and partners to stretch the manufacturing of new products. Besides, the company has associated with several tech makers for smart inventions.

Up to this point, the company has developed smart POS, MPOS, code-scanning machines, cloud speakers, recorders, and many other useful products. Notably, these techs involve the HiHopeOS in their internal structures.

Alternatively, the new achievement of HiHopeOS will help Runhe Software to build a firm partnership with China UnionPay cooperation and develop more new products and services for consumers.


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