
Huawei tech solutions play vital role in financial growth of Africa: NCBA Bank



Huawei builds innovative solutions that are now a significant part of the financial bank sector in Africa. Recently, one of the executives from the NCBA Bank has shared how the ultimate techniques and methods from Huawei help in economic growth.

The NCBA’s Group Director for Digital Business – Eric Muriuki states that they had a mission to be the most valuable digital platform with the best financial services. Eventually, with the help of Huawei solutions, the goal became achievable.

While digital transformation is quite important these days, there were a few challenges that African banks were stuck at. For instance, poor live network performance for bank development, increased demand for efficient technical support, and slow response of the system affect the user experience.

However, the NCBA Bank believed that Huawei tech solutions may help out these challenges and uplift the financial growth in Africa. The bank reached out the Chinese tech giant and its partner MuRong Technology to develop the next-gen core banking system.

This cooperation led to the bank’s long-term sustainable development. So far, Huawei has served over 2000 financial customers in across 60+ countries and regions. Notably, this includes 47 world’s top banking organizations.

On the greener side, MuRong Technology is one of the leading providers of new digital core banking systems and IT solutions. It delivers the most professional business experience, advanced tech benefits, and useful capabilities.

Huawei Financial Solutions:

Both Huawei and MuRong carried out a thorough analysis of the NCBA bank services to form the new digital banking system. The ultimate solution consisted of 80 million small deposit and loan account services migration.

It further has agile and robust technical support for financial services – thanks to the distributed Development and Operations framework. It also has a private cloud platform and GaussDB to check out night reports and queries of users.

Together, both partners (Huawei and MuRong) introduced the all-new digital core banking system with higher transaction capability, lower cost of ownership, and enhanced system flexibility with a reliable experience.


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