Huawei reportedly canceled a new laptop launch due to US restrictions

Huawei is set to cancel its new laptop launch due to the business restrictions from the US, which will be count as a first product launch that the company has canceled as a result of trade blacklisting.
Android and Windows will always remain our first choices: Huawei Executive
CEO of Huawei’s consumer division, Richard Yu AKA Yu Chengdong told CNBC that the firm had originally planned to launch its new Matebook series products without giving a date, but it had been indefinitely put on hold.
In May, the US Commerce Department added Huawei and its affiliates to the “Entity List” or simply called a trade blacklist – an action that bans Huawei from buying components and software from American firms.
Yu told that “We cannot supply the PC” because the situation is “Unfortunate”. He also said that if Huawei is on the blacklist for a long time, the laptop won’t be able to be launched.
Huawei relies on Microsoft and Intel to supply operating system and chips respectively for its computers but after the US ban, these companies implying US trade rules and stopped the supply of new component and services to the company.