
Huawei paid a huge amount of 2.8 million USD to obtain land in Kunming



Huawei is a familiar term in the technology world. To increase its name and fame more in this sector, the Chinese tech giant keeps on establishing new business headquarters in many regions. Recently, Huawei procured an industrial area of 20 acres in Kunming that costs 19 million yuan (2.8 million USD).

According to the information, Huawei is planning to set up the Yunnan regional headquarters in Kunming, due to which it has bought the area worth 2.8 million USD. Apart from investing in new businesses, the company is also putting money into land aspects.

Huawei’s contribution to the business world

Consequently, this year, Huawei has already issued three phases of medium-term notes and 2 phases of ultra-short-term financing bills. Together, these regulations hold a total of 17 billion yuan. Recently, the company has also proclaimed the fourth phase of medium-term notes worth 4 billion yuan. As a result, the scale of raised funds has knocked more than 2 times bond issuance.

On the flip side, the company has reported that it will shortly renovate the brand marketing, channel retails, and service potential. Alternatively, it will support the formation of these infrastructures with the 1+8+N strategy. Hence, digital development will be able to show new growth in the world.

Aside from multiple pursuits, the company is also playing a crucial role in the smart car solution. Though, Huawei does not step into the automobile business as once it proved a loss-making concept. Yet, the Chinese manufacturer has provided some of the best car solutions to date. Undoubtedly, the investment in this sector climbed up to $1 billion by 2021.

At the same time, Huawei is actively participating in research and development. In the past three years, the company gained an expenditure of more than 2 trillion USD. Thus, in comparison to the other tech giants in the world, Huawei knows better how and where to invest time and money.


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