Huawei is yet to share EMUI 13 roadmap



EMUI 13 beta kicked off for global users and it’s quite exciting but the roadmap of eligible Huawei devices is still awaited. While there’s no official news available on this matter.

In 2021, Huawei released EMUI 12 roadmap during the Asia pacific launch event but this year, there are no such plans revealed. Instead of the roadmap, Huawei opened the EMUI 13 beta for all Huawei P50, P50 Pro, P50 Pocket, and Mate Xs 2 foldable phones.

Unfortunately, the program is open for the Asia region but more users want to join the beta activity. Especially the European models are waiting for term to dive into the testing pool.

Despite the delay, we hope that the oldest set of devices may also get a slot into this EMUI 13 release program.

In the meantime, if you have a flagship phone, tune into the Beta app. From here open the “Me” section and then search for a new EMUI 13 beta project.

You need to sign up for the beta application and wait for the submission. Once submitted, you will be notified to download the OTA update package.

If the activity is not available on your phone, don’t worry, you will see the project after the beta opens in your country. Yet, we also suggest you keep an eye on the Beta application.

EMUI 13 Features:

EMUI 13 focuses on reinventing EMUI 12, this includes better security and privacy. This new software can review all of the data safety measures thanks to the new privacy center.

It has new options to allow or revoke permission, check the timeline for all of the user permission, and so on. You can also set new image privacy to hide the image meta information.

EMUI 13 also plays well around the user interface and there are many improvements made to features such as large folders and service widgets.

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