
Huawei introduces Cloud Accelerator to develop and benefit new startups



Today, Huawei Cloud held the Global Entrepreneurs Summit in Shenzhen. The company has shared several concepts that can uplift the ecological value of newly build enterprises. Significantly, Huawei also unveiled the ultimate Cloud Accelerator that will highly support the emerging start-ups of the country.

According to the information, Huawei Cloud Accelerator acts as a carrier of cloud cooperation. But it majorly works in boasting the pathways for startup planners. To uncover and authorize the high-potential enterprises, the Chinese tech giant has released this solution.

Concerned with the development, the cloud accelerator will begin its journey with six major departments. These are – enterprise services/SaaS, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, financial technology, smart energy or carbon neutrality, and industrial digitization.

Further, it will prepare the fresh bases of start-ups and will make them eligible for future competitiveness. How this will happen? Well, the Huawei-developed cloud solution will perform activities in the following aspects:

Startup Acceleration Camp: This action will help the early and mid-range startups to meet their products with market demands.

Industrial Acceleration Camp: The camp will provide basic knowledge of digital upgrades. Besides, it will help the companies in building up effective solutions and promote the business in real scenarios.

Four Sections to build the growth way of Startups.

Apart from establishing a camp, the solution will also indulge in technology, capability, business, and region.

Technology – With the help of the innovative cloud platform, the companies will be able to directly gain the technological abilities for their products.

Capability – Huawei will further generate six courses that will ultimately help the companies to gain theoretical and practical learnings. For instance, entrepreneurship courses, organizational management, innovation methodology, and more.

Business and Region – Cloud Accelerator will help the companies in improving their product and solution abilities through the ecological network. Furthermore, it will offer global security systems and localized team support to more than 100 regions in China for a quick expansion of growth in the country.


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