Huawei and Sunrise opens first 5G research center in Europe

October 14, Huawei and Swiss telecom operator Sunrise has announced the first 5G joint innovation center in Europe to conduct research and development of 5G application for both the private and business sectors.
“A successful 5G business requires a healthy and prosperous business environment. It is what the JIC is established for: to innovate, experience and incubate 5G services. said Ryan Ding, Executive Director, CEO of the Carrier BG, Huawei.
Sunrise with the help of Huawei’s 5G equipment became the first service provider worldwide to launch cloud gaming service with 4K resolution over 5G network.
The network provider is currently developing use cases such as helping farmers to track animal behaviors, high-speed drone data processing, as well as robotics to capture and collect the image of the fields and process them for analysis.
Sunrise has increased its partnership with Huawei, providing 5G in over 260 Swiss cities and villages including a promise to deliver a maximum 5G speed across the country to enable broadband internet, HD-TV, interactive gaming 5G services etc.
Also, Check – Huawei achieves record speed of 3.67Gbps on commercial 5G network in Switzerland