WhatsApp has dispatched a new beta update for Android devices which shows a redesigned status preview feature. By the term, the new addition to the app...
WhatsApp is giving a new makeover to the status updates interface, making it more intuitive and convenient for users. The company is also readying a vertical...
Huawei Music app is receiving a new update with version as a part of its public beta activity. With the latest release, the company has...
WhatsApp has released a new version under the beta test for Android users, which enables a redesigned keyboard for all of the beta testers. The...
WhatsApp is sending a new beta update for some of its Android beta testers that features a redesigned location sticker. The update is appearing through the...
After the rollout of WhatsApp Android beta update it’s informed that WhatsApp is working on the redesigned contact card. The new layout of the contact...
Google is soon going to reveal the next version of the mobile operating system, Android 12. At the moment, developer beta testing is going on, which...
Huawei Watch GT 5 series is seemingly ready to step on the user platform with a stunning crown design. The company is focusing on all major...
WhatsApp is working on a new feature called “Album Picker”. From the name, this capability will enable users to quickly pick images or videos and share...
WhatsApp is rolling out a new beta update for Android devices which brings an impressive background filter for status updates. This addition will showcase a gradient-like...