5G Development in 2021: Over 200 operators, 700+ million users, 500 million devices

Ding Yun, Executive Director of Huawei and President of Carrier BG, delivered a keynote speech on “Lighting the Future” at the Huawei Day 0 summit during Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2022 Barcelona.
Ding said, 5G has upscaled rollout in the global market in the last two years, and has rapidly developed in terms of coverage, devices, and user base. By 2021, over 200 worldwide operators have deployed 5G commercial networks with over 700 million 5G users and 500+ million commercial smart devices as well also over 1200 models.
These numbers in 5G growth are essential and show how the next-generation network is moving towards and expanding around the globe.
Speaking of which, Ding Yun said that new applications such as AR, VR, and new video of 5G have brought innovative experiences to users. rapid growth in scale. The 5GtoB private network has been commercialized on a large scale in many industries in China.
In 2021, together with operators and partners, Huawei has signed more than 3,000 commercial contracts for 5G industry applications and has accumulated rich experience in industrial applications. In Inner Mongolia, China, coal mines use a 5G remote control. The coal shearer allows coal miners to use a safe and comfortable working environment.
Ding also noted that the vitality of the digital economy can be assessed by three dimensions, namely the density of connections, the diversity of computing, and the intensity of carbon emission reduction. In these three dimensions, operators can find ways to reshape the future development of the digital economy and explore new opportunities.